Yesterday just before midnight I had jo start this quilting project. I had turned off the tv. It was late and I was going to bed. I thought I was..... The rest of the family was all asleep and the house was so quiet and cosy. Then I began to cut, sew, iron, cut, sew, iron for a couple of hours. It was so great!!
Today I finished the top of the quilt (approx 150 x 110 cm). I should be busy packing my stuff for the holiday, but my husband says, that all is fine and it's okay for me to sew. I take his word for that. Now I will clean up the mess in the studio and take a break. Now it's time to join my family and concentrate about our holiday in Toscana. We leave early tomorrow morning (6 o'clock). My mother will take care of the house, the rabbits and our big dog. Have a great summer - see you in a couple of weeks!
Hej Mette.
Vil ønske dig og familien en dejlig ferie. Den er velfortjent. Jeg kommer til at saven dine fine og dejlige blogposts, men ved at der er noget godt at vente på. Glæder mig til at se, hvad du får kreeret på ferien.
Mange sommer og solskinstanker fra Dorte
Posted by: Dorte Nielsen | July 10, 2008 at 16:10